Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Catching Up........? February 3, 2010

My favorite cactus coming back into Mesa!

DJ at his lastest game. Have to teach him to not be so nice on the court!

Mackenzie this past week. Adrianna, Mackers and Gary have been staying with us while they try and find a new home to rent. Annoying? At times, Yes. Worth it? Absolutely! Seeing Mackers everyday reminds me to somehow take her mentality everyday. It's simply another day to wake up, have the best day you can, and deal with whatever comes your way as it comes your way.

DJ is still doing good in school but at times has taken a shortcut with homework and such. He is a bit off center since all the family has been living with us, but what can you expect when usually you are the only child in the house and then there are 4 more members?

DJ has also earned the honor of attending a People to People Leadership seminar in Washington, D.C. this upcoming September. His teacher nominated him and Loretta and I agreed that he has earned this opportunity to grow! He will be spending a week there attending various conferences and the key note speaker for his seminar is former First Lady, Laura Bush. Needless to say, he is quite excited!

Michael is attending college in order to get his hours to get into the military. Thought high school was a chore.......eesh!