Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 31

Another beginning to another day! Woke up on the good side of the earth this morning!!! Woo Hoo....

This week looks to be a busy week, as far as family life goes:

DJ made his election poster last night with mom and it looked great! I made postcards today so he can hand them out to his classmates this week. He also has football practice tomorrow, curriculum night, PTO meeting and SIAC as well. Tuesday is busy, busy!

Michael is working more and that is good so he can start to pay his own bills. Only pitfall is no free or reduced price Jamba.....We have looked into the military and as everything goes with him, its not going to be easy getting him in. One issue after issue after issue. Seems as it is never going to end at this point but I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

LJ is super busy with work as I probably suspect she is still trying to catch up on work from last month when she was off all of July. The boys and I try and keep up the house best we can so she can relax or not have so much on her family plate when she gets home.

Mackers, Adrianna and Gary are spending the night before heading out of town sometime this week.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, August 30

Yesterday was a good time. We had Mackenzie, Adrianna and Gary over to swim, BBQ, play cards and watch the boob tube. It was a very uneventful day which made it a stress-free day!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday, August 29

Devin at football practice this past week. Personally, I would say not bad on the form but then again, I do have a biased opinion.....

School has since started since last entry and we are going to try very hard in keeping out site up with daily entries.

Devin threw his name in the hat and decided to run for Treasurer for the student council this year. There were 9 candidates on Thursday and the first preliminary vote was yesterday. He was one of two candidates to make it. Now they have to run a campaign and may the most popular student win!

He has joined the orchestra again and is playing the chello. We love his teacher because she will push Devin into bettering himself further. Other years the work was simply to easy and his weekly homework usually took him 5-10 minutes to complete in one night. This year is different. He sometimes needs our help so LJ and I enjoy that his brain is being challenged.

Its hot.......still! Yesterday when LJ got in her call to leave work her temperature gauge in the car read 122 degrees. No really (see photo below). No that wasn't outside temperature but yikes......Today is suppose to be 110 degrees so we are definitely getting in the pool.

Mackenzie, Adrianna and Gary are coming over to spend the day with us. They will be leaving out of town as they will be traveling gypsies for several months. Personally, I hope it only last 3-4 months so I can see my Mackers plus the weather usually gets bad in other states in the winter so driving might be an issue (I don't like the thought of sliding off the road in a 52' truck and trailer w/my Mackers on board!).

Michael is working and we have started the process of enlisting him in the United States Army. He agrees it would be good for him as he will tell you he does not know what he wants to do with his life and at least the military will give him options when he gets out.

Until next time.